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If you have already looked at our customized model in Asian Games venues , you will surely have seen our tea in leaf/flowers vending machine. Let's discover what its features are and what our factory can provide.

LEAF TEA VENDING MACHINE: WHAT IT IS The leaf tea vending machine, model LE913A was developed by LE vending machine factory from its customer’s request who wanted to offer its users a totally different experience in enjoying hot and cold beverages such as tea and herbal tea.

The leaf tea vending machine dispenses leaf teas and herbal teas to ensure a unique experience for the end users who, wherever they are, knows they can enjoy a hot beverage that meets the standards of traditional infusions.

tea in leaves HOW LE913A TEA VENDING MACHINE WORKS Always aiming to meet the needs, including economic needs, of the customer, we started from one of our standard models, LE913A, making the necessary modifications to be able to achieve the final result in the cup.

The model LE913A is designed to take advantage of the infusion mechanism of our coffee group, without the grinder and brewer, that is not necessary since the product already "in leaf" and does not need to be grounded.

Here is how LE913A works:

herbal tea is droped in cup, which cup moved under the leaf tea caanister outlet by robot arm .

Cup moved under the water outlet and fill in hot or cold water.

Once this step is completed, cup will be pressed cup lid by robot arm and moved to cup door.

The result in the cup is a hot beverage that has all the aroma of an herbal tea extracted according to the traditional method; its taste remains intact. Or the cold teea drinks also can be provide by water chiller in automated vending machine.

Post time: Jul-03-2024