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Growth currents: charger for electric cars will be installed in courtyards without the consent of Russian residents


Chargers for electric vehicles (Hereinafter referred to as EV Charger) will be placed next to houses without the permission of their residents. The Russia Ministry of Construction is studying this possibility, published by Izvestia》 . Now this requires a decision of the general meeting of owners. Russian developers may also be required to install such charging stations already at the construction stage of houses. Russian experts fear that in this case all residents will have to pay for charging their cars. This can be avoided by equipping stations with special meters, according to which owners of electric cars will pay for the charge, experts say.

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No limits

Russian management companies may obtain the right to install Electric vehicles Charging Stations (ECS) in parking lots and adjacent territories without the consent of residents and contacting Power Supply Organizations (RSO). This issue is being worked out by the Russia Ministry of Construction, according to a letter from the department to enterprises in the housing and communal services sector. Izvestiareviewed a copy of the document. In addition, developers may be required to install EV charger at the stage of construction of residential buildings.


 Now in Russia there is a shortage of such stations, the owners of electric cars have to specifically look for them, planning their routes depending on this, said Mikhail Krapivnoy, founder and CEO of Edison Technologies. In June, the Russia Ministry of Industry and Trade announced that at the end of 2023, it is planned to install 659 EV charger stations in 32 regions of Russia which is existed 4.4 thousand EV charger stations, but industry representatives estimated the need for 18 thousand chargers .

 The EV charger station, located in a parking lot or in the courtyard next to the house, It is most convenient for for residents, says Irina Bulgakova, head of the housing and communal services commission of the Public Council under the Russia Ministry of Construction. But now the installation of EV charger station in such places requires approval. 

 According to the vice-president of the Russia National Housing Congress, Alexander Gurylev, simplifying the procedure for installing such stations in homes is a positive initiative. But should place EV charger stations and set power by management companies , he said.

Otherwise, problems may arise with the power supply to apartments,” the expert added.

 Technical and legal standards for this are currently being worked out, said Irina Bulgakova. In particular, what kind of participation in the installation process will the management companies take, who will be able to use the stations – everyone or only residents of the house, how to pay the cost of electricity.

 Alexander Yakubovsky, a member of the Russia State Duma Committee on Construction and Housing and Public Utilities, noted that if developers are required to place EV charger stations when building houses, EV charger costs will be included in the cost per square meter. However, in the final price of the apartment this is an extremely insignificant cost item, the deputy added.

Izvestia》 sent a request to the Russia Ministry of Construction with a request to comment on the initiative.

 EV charger station should appear next to every apartment building, says Popular Front analyst Pavel Sklyanchuk. Having an accessible network of EV charger stations will lead to people switching to more environmentally cars.

 Installing such type of EV charger station is necessary, as more and more people are switching to electric carssaid by Alexander Evseyev, a member of the Russia Public Council under the Ministry of Construction. At the same time, it is necessary to resolve the issue of paying for electricity which not forcing residents to shoulder the cost, he stressed.

 It would be logical if the installation of such stations would be paid for by the owners of electric cars, and EV charger operators would install and service them ,” believes Alexander Gurylev. “ Also, electricity meters need to be installed at stations so that car owners can pay for charging.

 A separate electric meter should be installed for each charger and paid one by one, said by Sergei Kolunov, a member of the Russia State Duma Committee on Construction and Housing and Utilities. Then every residents will have the opportunity to use an electric car, he explained. 

 In order to mitigate all possible risks, it is necessary to provide for the mandatory installation of a meter at the EV charger stations before its commissioning, emphasized Alexander Evseev.

 If all these issues are taken into account, then the idea is sound, both from an environmental point of view and from the point of view of the development of electric transport,” the expert is sure.

 It is also necessary to provide for rules for placing stations of different capacities in houses, says Irina Bulgakova.

 Despite the fact that electric cars have been mass-produced for more than ten years, there is no general standard for car charging stations, noted Sergei Kolunov. Both the stations themselves and the connectors differ from manufacturer to manufacturer. According to the charging typology, there are slow (power up to 6 kW), medium (from 7 to 22 kW), fast (50 to 100 kW), ultra-fast (100 kW or more), he said.

According to Mikhail Krapivny, slow charging for electric car will take about eight hours – this is more harmless to the battery. Some electric car manufacturers state that if maintenance with  fast EV chargers frequentlythe Electric vehicles batteries are more likely to be damaged. It is not advisable to constantly charge via fast chargers, he added.




Reproduced From «Известиями» news:
By:Мария Перевощикова
Роман Солдатов


Post time: Sep-01-2023